Friday 29 July 2016

New Teachings Hospital for Legon

Students of the University of Ghana Medical School for decades had to travel everyday from Legon to Korle-Bu for practicals. This situation created much discomfort for the students and some had their academics negatively affected because of this situation. However, a new teachings hospital under construction right on the university of Ghana campus will provide the needed relief that students had always looked out for.

It is clear president John Dramani Mahama and the NDC government understand the importance of education in the right environment hence the need for a huge invesment like this. Phase one of the project, currently 99% complete, will be commissioned for use by next academic year starting in september, 2016.

Aerial view of the hospital/medical school

Feel free to share this good news in your social media groups. More pictures coming soon. God bless us all

JM, working for you

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